Town Council

The council serves as the legislative and executive body of the town. One of their members is voted by the council to serve as council president, who has the power to sign contracts, ordinances, etc., that have been approved by the board. The president also represents the council at government and community functions. The council appoints administrative department heads, with one council member serving as a liaison to that department, rather than the council members acting as department heads.

Regular meetings of the Ogden Dunes Town Council are held monthly at the Fire House. These meetings are open to the public.

Signed copies of Town Council minutes are available through the Clerk-Treasurer's Office.

Contact the Ogden Dunes Town Hall (219.762.4125) for information about special meetings.

If you wish to contact your Town Councilor please locate your Ward below and click on the names for additional contact information:

Email the Town Council

Council Members

NameTitleWardTermTerm Expires


Ward 2

4 Years


Vice President

Ward 1

4 Years


Council Member

At Large

4 Years


Council Member

Ward 3

4 Years


Council Member

At Large

4 Years
