Community Fund Committee
The Ogden Dunes Community Fund was created to enhance and beautify our community.
The Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month.
The Ogden Dunes Community Fund provides grants to a variety of projects that benefit our own community. The Community Fund's primary grantmaking focus is providing support for projects which beautify our neighborhoods, promote stewardship of the environment in which we live, or enhance programs for our residents.
Recent grants include funding for materials to construct the Community Garden at Nelson Reck Park, beautification of the firehouse with art tiles created by our residents, an improved website for the Town, ADA compliant picnic benches at Kratz field, creation and installation of Little Free Libraries for children and adults, and the purchase of a sand and water table for environmental projects at Sandpiper Preschool.
Your tax deductible gift to the Ogden Dunes Community Fund, a permanent endowment managed by the Porter County Community Foundation, will live for generations to come. Join our Duners Giving Circle today.
All members are appointed by the Town Council president. Terms of office are for three years. No political affiliation rule applicable to the Community Fund Committee for Ogden Dunes.
Committee Members
Name | Title | Term | Term Expires |
President | 3 Year | 1/1/2027 | |
Vice President | 3 Year | 1/1/2027 | |
Secretary | 3 Year | 1/1/2026 | |
Treasurer | 3 Year | 1/1/2027 | |
Member | 3 Year | 1/1/2026 |
Town Council Liaison
Name | Title |
Town Council Liaison |