Prime Timers Luncheon Meeting, August 16, Noon

Come one, come all!  Join the Ogden Dunes Prime Timers for a great Tuesday afternoon. Prime Timers meets once a month at the Ogden Dune Community Church on the 3rd Tuesday of each month promptly at noon and we are inviting YOU to join in the fun! You don't have to live in OD, just come for the food and fun!

The August meeting is on Tuesday, August 16, starting promptly at noon. The guest speaker will be Mary Holt, CNHHP, a certified nutritionist & holistic health practioner.  And--will be answering your questions!! 

All of this for only $11. Hope to see you there!

Come and join in the food, fun, and friendship. More info/reservations: email Nancy Tatum @ [email protected]  or text/phone 765-610-5514