Garden Club

There is currently no Garden Club. The Town of Ogden Dunes is looking for volunteers to revive this club. Could that be you? The information below is from the Garden Club as it was before it went dormant. If you are interested in reviving the Garden Club, please contact Jean Manna, Clerk-Treasurer.


The objective of The Garden Club of Ogden Dunes shall be to promote greater knowledge of horticulture, stimulate interest in conservation and historic preservation, encourage community and environmental education, and participate in civic planning and planting programs.

Green Thumbs

Do you have a green thumb? Do you like to get your hands dirty? Do you love to weed, water and make plants grow? Join the Ogden Dunes Garden Club for some friendship, gardening tips, and making the public garden spaces more bountiful.


Volunteers and club members are invited to care for the community gardens each Thursday morning from 10:00am - 1:00pm April - September.

Need community service hours for school? Weekend times can also be arranged.


Garden Club meetings used to be held on the Wednesday of the month.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Jean Manna Clerk-Treasurer