Restore the Shore Update

Posted: April 10, 2020 11:49am CDT

Everyone appreciates that the lakefront situation is dire, and tensions are high. The Town has been working on a plan to protect the beach. We owe a big thank you to the Beach Nourishment Committee, Town Council, and Building Department.

The effort to Restore the Shore is led by a team of volunteers working their best to help their neighbors and the Town. These volunteers have families, jobs and are involved in other activities. Please treat these volunteers with decency and respect. The Town needs to pull together and direct our energy at the state and federal governments that have created this situation and are hindering our ability to take care of ourselves. The Town filed a legal complaint against the federal government in January. The matter is currently in litigation.

Evaluating the lakefront situation is simplest when considering the lakefront in three sections West End, East End and Middle.

West End:

The federal government agreed that we didn’t need a federal permit because this work was above the Highwater Mark and that Town’s Shore Protection Policy controlled this work.

East End:

The federal government asserts that a federal permit is required. The Town has disputed this and is in active litigation to bring this to a resolution. The federal government has issued an Emergency Permit for the East End, but it only covers a portion of the work that has been recommended by our experts. We began work in the area covered by the permit. Work continues to obtain authorization for the full scope of work. The Town is soliciting general contractors with marine experience for pricing and value engineering. We are hopeful prices will be lower than the initial estimates. Contractors have reiterated that working together at a Town scale project will reduce pricing, duration and improve quality.


The federal government asserts that a federal permit is required, and the emergency permit issued does not cover this section of Town. The Town has disputed this and is in active litigation to bring this to a resolution. Work continues to obtain the needed permit.

All funds for the Restore the Beach effort are subject to Audit by the State Board of Accounts.